
Traditional Food of India


Rasmalai or rasomalai is a traditional sweet of India, which is rasogolla put in concentrated sweetened milk (Figure 1.8.1). It is also available in the neighbouring countries of India. The product is generally served in a chilled condition. The shelf-life of the product at ambient temperature (25-30oC) is only one day which can be increased to 3 to 5 days if kept in refrigerated storage.

Raw materials   
The main ingredients are milk and sugar, while the minor ingredients are rice flour, and flavouring and colouring items. Cardamom, rose water, chopped almond, pistachio, and saffron are also added to some of the rasmalai preparations to make the product attractive to consumers. The finished product is creamy white unless a colouring item like saffron is added.

Method of preparation

Cow milk is boiled and curdled by adding organic acid (vinegar, or lime juice), or calcium lactate. The curdled mass is separated to obtain the channa (casein protein), and compressed well to remove the whey as far as possible. The resultant dough is kneaded well (Figure 1.8.2). The dough is then divided into small balls that are boiled in sugar syrup to obtain small rasogolla balls. The product possesses a soft porous structure. Small rasogolla balls of diameters between 10 and 15 mm are common, while flattened small rasogolla (15-30 mm in diameter, and between 10 and 20 mm in thickness) are also used to prepare rasmalai. The rasogolla balls or flattened rasogolla pieces are manually compressed to remove the sugar solution from the inner portion of the samples, and then dipped in hot concentrated sweetened milk so that they can absorb enough hot concentrated milk. Gentle stirring is done for mixing. Flavouring and colouring items, if added, are to be incorporated only at the end of the preparation stage and the sample is cooled enough. The finished product may contain thin or moderately thick concentrated milk. The level of sugar added can be as high as 20% of the total mass of the product.

Kneading, heating and mixing units for channa, shaping unit, pouring of shaped item into the hot concentrated sugar syrup and packaging facility are required.


  • Mechanisation of the process of rasmalai preparation.
  • Ready-to-eat rasmalai may be made available that are either shelf-stable (canned or retortable pouch) or to be kept in refrigerated storage. 
  • The level of sugar in the product may be decreased to term it a healthy product.

Further reading

Singh, U., Kant, R., Prakash, S. and Kumari, S. (2013). Studies on the effect of butter milk solids and vegetable oil on preparation of “filled chhana.” Trends in Biosciences 6, 854-857,

Sharma, S.P., Kapoor, C.M., Bisnoi, S., Rani, M., Jairath, G. and Khanna, S.  (2015). Scale of production, compositional, physico-chemical and sensorial attributes of market samples of rasmalai available in Hisar city of Haryana, India. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research 34(1), 18-22.
